Affiches Prix Internat.19
Jérôme Munuera Former Fyssen 2010 The Geometry of Abstraction in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex. Bernardi S, Benna MK, Rigotti M, Munuera J, Fusi S, Salzman CD. Cell. 2020 Oct 9 Une étude conduite à l’Université de Columbia (États-Unis) par Jérôme Munuera (co-premier auteur de la publication) et ses collaborateurs, a permis de développer un […]
Charlotte Canteloup, Former Fyssen 2017 Will Hoppitt & Erica van de Waal Nature Communications, 2020, 11:459 Abstract Little is known about how multiple social learning strategies interact and how organisms integrate both individual and social information. Here we combine, in a wild primate, an open diffusion experiment with a modeling approach: Network-Based Diffusion Analysis using […]