Goals & Eligibility conditions

Objectives of the grants

Fyssen Foundation research grants aim to facilitate the execution of research projects that enhance understanding of the mechanisms of behaviour and cognition in living beings, as well as their ontogenetic and phylogenetic development. These projects may originate from the disciplines of neuroscience, ethology, psychology, anthropology, ethnology, palaeontology, and archaeology.

The specific goals of the grants include:

  1. Enabling young researchers to establish and lead a research group within an academic institution in France.
  2. Developing autonomous and innovative research themes.
  3. Promoting mobility and attracting high-level early career group leaders to foster a dynamic and progressive research environment.

Eligibility Criteria

The Fyssen research grant is intended for young researchers of any nationality who have completed their doctoral thesis more than 3 years and less than 10 years ago (exceptions may be granted for maternity/paternity/long-term illness leave) *.

Already employed, they will form a research team around them to carry out a collective scientific project within a host structure in France whose activity aligns with the objectives of the Foundation. Researchers may develop their project in a laboratory different from the one where they obtained their thesis or from the one where they currently work.

Recipients of ATIP-Avenir or ANR Young Researchers funding are eligible for the Fyssen grant. **

The most innovative projects will be selected, based on the Foundation’s annual budget, at a rate of 3 to 5 projects per year.

Grant Amount

The research grant amount is up to €100,000.

The research grant is intended to cover the following expenses:

  • Purchase of equipment and small materials useful for research work;
  • Consumables required for conducting research work;
  • Salaries (except for the principal investigator);
  • Specialized services necessary for the research work;
  • Travel expenses: for conducting the research project or for attending scientific conferences and symposiums;
  • Publication costs.

The management fees of the supervising organization will not be covered by the Fyssen Foundation research grant.

Duration of the Grant

The Fyssen research grant is awarded for a period of one year (12 months) and is non-renewable.

Article Submission at the end of the grant

The funding agreement for the grant must include the following statement: “The recipient commits to submitting an article to the Editorial Committee for possible publication in the Annals of the Foundation.”

The two best articles submitted to the Editorial Committee will be awarded a prize of €1,000 each.

* The 10 years are counted from the date on which the doctorate is awarded to the date on which funding begins. For maternity leave, the actual time elapsed since the doctorate was awarded will be reduced by one year for each child. For paternity leave(s), the elapsed time will be reduced by the leave taken for each child born. For long-term sick leave, the elapsed time will be reduced by the duration of the period of absence.

** Recipients of support for young researchers such as ERC starting grant to develop an independent project are not eligible. Candidates who have applied for one of these types of funding and do not have the results at the time of submitting their Fyssen application are required to indicate this in their application and to inform the Fyssen Foundation as soon as possible in the event of a positive result from the ANR or ERC (in this case, Fyssen funding will be interrupted at the start date of the other funding).

September, 2,  2024: online application forms
October, 14, 2024 12 am French time ( MIDDAY) (Gmt +1) Closing application
December 2024 : results sent by email

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