discours Pr. P.J.Laird VFr
Ameline BARDO Former Fyssen 2017 Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform that promotes women and non-binary scientists and their research, with the ultimate aim of helping to eliminate gender inequality in STEMM subjects. Established as a single outreach activity in London in 2011, Soapbox Science has been a phenomenal success. The initiative has grown, […]
Lamya KHALIDI Former Fyssen 2014 The evolution of Lake Abhe’s paleoshorelines reveals 9000 years of human resilience in the face of climate change FR : Dans une étude publiée dans Quaternary Science Reviews, une collaboration pluridisciplinaire archéologie-géosciences, impliquant des équipes françaises et éthiopiennes, menée par Lamya Khalidi, chercheuse au CNRS (CEPAM, Université Côte d’Azur) a […]